Dynamic mechanics serves measurement and stimulation for calibration and test.
Especially in the field of vibration excitation unique experience was gained in the past decade.
high frequency vibrationhigh shock vibrationdynamic pressuredynamic force
high frequency vibration excitation
high frequency vibration excitation
The aim of this complex was to develop electrodynamic and piezoelectric vibration exciters in the high frequency range up to 200 kHz. For the design and layout of the dynamic electromechanic properties procedures and methods based on mechanic and electromagnetic FEM are developed. These methods allow good prediction of the product properties already in early desing stages. Thus time- and money intense iterations for the final design can be reduced.
high shock vibration excitation
high shock vibration excitation
Background of these projects was the design of shock exciters with accelerations up to 500.000 g. Als physikal working principle the „Hammer-Anvil“ (force impulse due to the impact of two bodies) and the „Hopkinson-Bar“ principle (shock excitation due to wave propagation in long bars) were used. Besides my PhD thesis I developed design methods based on lumped mass simulation to predict the product properties.

Introduction Dr. Martin Brucke
Diploma / PhD in mechanical engineering / applied mechanics TU Dresden – graduate thesis
2005 – 2017 SPEKTRA Schwingungstechnik und Akustik GmbH Dresden
- from R&D engineer to CTO
- Development of world leading HF / High Shock exciters
- Successful start and implementation of electromechanical exciter branch at SPEKTRA
May 2017 foundation of „dynamic mechanics“
- Services: dynamic mechanical tasks
- 4/2018 dm2 (piezoelectric HF Vibration exciter)
- 6/2018 dm1 (electrodynamic HF Vibration exciter)
- contineous product / application development
Method and device for calibrating acceleration and force sensors
Patent owner:
Martin Brucke
Application number and year:
EP000002158493B9, 2008
Vibration Exciter having load compensation
Patent owner:
Martin Brucke, Martin Iwanczik
Application number and year:
EP000003117198A1, 2014
Device and method for testing Inertialsensors
Patent owner:
Robert Bosch GmbH, SPEKTRA
Michael Baus, Herbert Oechsner, Rainer Schreiber, Matthias Woog, Martin Brucke
Application number and year:
DE102015200164A1, 2015
Dr. Martin Brucke